100 stories in 100 days.
Fight rare neuro-immune disorders. Together.
GG was diagnosed with transverse myelitis in December 2009 when she was 21 years old. Within hours, she became paralyzed from the chest down. She is now a C6/7 quadriplegic and a full-time wheelchair user. Through an aggressive rehabilitation program and her own intensive exercise routine, she continues to improve little by little. Her ultimate hope is a cure; the ability to repair the spinal cord. GG is our first hope ambassador for the myelife. my hope. campaign. Read her full story here.
Join the movement. Be an ambassador. Spread hope.
Rare neuro-immune disorders can affect anyone at any time. There is no way to predict who it will happen to and there is no cure.
The myelife. my hope. campaign raised awareness and shined the spotlight on people who are living with rare neuro-immune disorders, providing hope for restoration of function and a better quality of life. It served as a platform to educate and engage the public, scientists, clinicians, industry leaders, and legislative influencers on the under-recognized implications of having a rare neuro-immune disorder.
A community of heroes for a common cause.
I am blessed. I have been given the humbling opportunity to provide care and guidance to many. I am surrounded by a team of professionals who are dedicated, brilliant and passionate about our work.
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The myelife. my hope. partners are vital to building our programs and research, and we are grateful for their support.